Using Learning Paths and Peer-to-Peer Activities
This Faith for Rights resource is structured in the following manner:
- Modules
The Faith for Rights toolkit contains 18 modules. This online resource presently contains 5 of those modules
- Peer-to-Peer Activities
Learning exercises that are designed to help participants learn and think critically about the topic contained in the module.
- Learning Paths
This resource contains 3 to 4 fully developed Learning Paths for each module. These carefully sequenced combinations of peer-to-peer activirties are comprised of ready to use content.
Peer-to-Peer Activities
The Peer-to-Peer activity is the core of the Faith for Rights program. These learning exercises are interactive and should be adapted to local needs. All of the Learning Paths are made up of Peer-to-Peer activities. A facilitator is free to use and adapt any of the Peer-to-Peer activities in their Faith for Rights session. Any of the Peer-to-Peer activities contained within a learning path can be exchanged for a different Peer-to-Peer activity according to local context, the desire of the facilitator, or the needs of the participants.
Learning Paths
This resource contains 3 to 4 fully developed Learning Paths for each module. These Learning Paths are made up of Peer-to-Peer activities that are carefully sequenced in order to meet a specific learning goal. Each Learning Path is intended to encompass a Faith for Rights session of approximately 90 minutes.
Learning Paths are intended to 1) Activate participants’ current knowledge of a topic, 2) Allow participants to demonstrate and apply that knowledge, and 3) Provide a way for participants to integrate what they learn into their individual context.
A facilitator may want to choose a Learning Path:
- If they want to engage participants in a way that corresponds to the objectives of the Learning Path.
- If they would like a ready-to-use format for a Faith for Rights Session.
- If the needs of participants indicate that a Learning Path is the best option.

From #Faith4Rights Toolkit
The Faith for Rights toolkit aims at translating the “Faith for Rights” framework into practical peer-to-peer learning and enriching capacity-building programmes. It contains 18 learning modules, mirroring each of the commitments on “Faith for Rights”. These modules offer concrete ideas for learning exercises, for example how to unpack the 18 commitments, share personal stories, search for additional religious quotes or provide for inspiring examples of artistic expressions. The whole concept is interactive, result-oriented and conducive to critical thinking. The toolkit is open for adaptation by facilitators in order to tailor the modules to the specific context of the participants.
Suggested Course of Action
- Choose a Module
- Determine to use a Learning Path or a combination of a la carte Peer-to-Peer activities.
- Plan the time, date, location of your session.
- Prepare your session according to the suggestions in the Learning Path or in the Peer-to-Peer activities you have chosen.