Choosing a Format
The whole concept is interactive, result-oriented and conducive to critical thinking. It is open for adaptation by facilitators in order to tailor the modules to the specific context of the participants.
The Collonges Declaration
19 December 2019
The following will give you ideas on different formats for Faith for Rights sessions. Click NEXT to continue.
There are many formats that can be used for a Faith for Rights session. Perhaps you would like to conduct only one Faith for Rights session on one topic, or you may be planning a multi-day interfaith conference. Either way, the Faith for Rights modules and peer-to-peer activities can be adapted to suit the needs of the event and the group for which you are facilitating. Below are some ideas for Faith for Rights sessions:
- Multiple 90 minute sessions held on a regular basis. This is ideal if you are interested in facilitating sessions on multiple modules, but do not have time or resources for a full day or multi-day conference.
- A one-time Faith for Rights event. This could be a 2 hour training event, a half day event, or a full day event. This format would be conducive to a training event on one specific topic contained within the Faith for Rights modules.
- A full day Faith for Rights workshop. During a day-long event, you have the freedom to explore one module in-depth or focus on multiple modules and topics.
- A multi-day Faith for Rights conference. This format would be ideal for gatherings of faith leaders from various locations and backgrounds. It would also be ideal for religious or educational institutions. A multi-day format would be conducive to exploring many of the modules within the Faith for Rights toolkit.
When determining your format and planning your session(s), you should take into account the following:
- The time available for your event
- The number of participants
- The age and education level of participants
- The purpose of your event
- The facility in which you will host the event
Answer the following reflection questions in your Facilitator Journal:
- What format would be ideal for my circumstances?
- What module or modules am I planning on facilitating?
- Who are the potential attendees to my Faith for Rights session?