The Facilitator Guide: Lesson 2: Starting with Module 0

Starting with Module 0

"We, faith-based and civil society actors working in the field of human rights and gathered in Beirut on 28-29 March 2017, express the deep conviction that our respective religions and beliefs share a common commitment to upholding the dignity and the equal worth of all human beings."
Preamble, 18 Commitments on Faith for Rights

The following information will help you to understand how to use Module 0. Read the information and then click the button below to review the content of Module 0.

The purpose of Module 0 is to prepare participants for a shift from the generalities of interreligious dialogues to concrete actions. In order to successfully do this, participants must work as a group to establish ground rules and expectations for the Faith for Rights session. Module 0 will help them to do this. 

Module 0 should be included as part of your initial Faith for Rights session. 

While Module 0 is a complete module with its own Learning Objectives, Learning Paths, and Peer-to-Peer Activities, you will find that it is shorter and is intended to be an introductory session used in conjunction with any of the other Faith for Rights modules. If you are planning a 90-minute Faith for Rights session, Module 0 should take no longer than 30 minutes.  If participants will be returning at a later date to participate in further Faith for Rights sessions, it is not necessary to repeat Module 0 for the same group. 

The following outlines the Learning Path in Module 0. Following this sequence will enable participants to take ownership of their Faith for Rights experience and will create a respectful and productive environment. 

Lesson 1
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